Everything is Search

I was thinking about Twitter's system design, and was wondering how they get my tweets when I visit my profile. They're not likely to do SELECT text, date FROM tweets where user_id=98409 ORDER BY date. Then, it hit me that they could use the same system which is used when someone searches for from:raglandasir and goes to the "Latest" tab. This was a nice realisation for me, and I'm going to collect and organize more instances of such patterns in this blog post.

Lucene the good parts

With the addition of aggregations, Quickwit isn’t exclusively for search anymore; it’s now a powerful analytics engine that lets you unlock the hidden value of your business data.

Quickwit 0.3 Release

Why is this?

If search is information retrieval and information is data, I imagine that methods used to efficiently get useful information from large swathes of data will look a lot like the techniques used by search engines.


Elasticsearch Changes Name to Elastic to Reflect Wide Adoption Beyond Search